Sääksjärvi general plan

Tyyppi: general plan
Client: Municipality of Lempäälä
Status: planning completed
Timeline: 2022–2023
Location: Sääksjärvi, Lempäälä, Finland
Scope of project: 57,2 ha / 75 000 m² housing, 21 000 m² commercial
Team: Sami Heikkinen (partner in charge), Juha Riihelä (project architect), Miia Ranta-aho, Arianna Scotoni (landscape architect), Lassi Luotonen, Viktoria Mazaeva, Janina Virtanen; traffic design Kalle Syrjäläinen and Matias Pikkarainen (Ramboll)

Sääksjärvi local area plan aims to reaffirm its village spirit.


Sääksjärvi is situated on the outer reaches of Finland’s second city, Tampere, in an extensive area of outdoor recreation. The area is within the sphere of influence of Tampere’s ongoing expansion, accentuating the importance of the developing municipality in the strengthening of its own local identity.

Rehabilitating a village setting

The identity of the centre of Sääksmäki is reinforced with sensitive infill development. The addition of multiple-use residential, amenity and commercial blocks will change land-use in the north of the centre and in the area surrounding the new railway station.

A strong activating force in Sääksjärvi centre is the surrounding countryside, and this plays an important everyday role in the lives of the inhabitants. Accessibility to nature is supported by the realignment of the Birgitanpolku route through the central area.

A rich and lively village life

Diversity in architecture and scale creates a singular unified identity for the area. Changeable block construction enables a multiplicity of living patterns and offers spaces to different occupant groups.

The development of traffic links is centred on pedestrian traffic and accessibility to public transport. Infill development has left large areas of greenery untouched, and will not require largescale demolition.

An alluring commercial centre

The Sääksjärvi main square is situated in a conspicuous location along the main route, dividing the area into two. New pedestrian and cycle routes cement the main activities of the centre – town square, library, shops and day-care centre – into a more compact whole.

Enlivening the station quarter with amenities

New developments are brought closer to the main thoroughfares and commercial spaces enliven the streets at pedestrian level. Passengers are provided with a covered walkway from the railway station to the bus terminal.

An alluring village identity for Sääksjärvi forged by a profusion of building types and ease of passage to the great outdoors.